Lou is the owner of Cragend Farm with her husband Shaun, and deals with everything from Holiday Accommodation inquiries to egg collection from the chickens; she is the social media and web design finger-tapper.
In Victorian gardens the Fernery was a place of cool and quiet to contemplate the world and enjoy the cooling shades and shapes of the different species of Ferns that were growing there. We have now planted an area next to the Weighbridge with ferns for this very purpose. It is a north facing wall which already has a great many specimens growing on the wall. We hope the ferns will enjoy their new home.
Planting has taken place and we have cleared the area for growth and more planting in the future.
Dryopteris filix-mas (Basket Fern)
Asplenium Scolopendrium (Harts Tongue)
Dryopteris erythrosora (Japanese Shield Fern)
Polystichum braunii (Brauns Holly Fern or Bears Bed)
Dryopteris dilatata Crispa 'Whiteside'
Dryopteris affinis (Golden Shield)
Polystichum tsus-simense - Korean Rock Fern or Holly Fern
Athyrium filix-femina (Lady Fern) (donated by C.Straughan)
Athyrium are deciduous ferns with erect or creeping rhizomes bearing usually pinnate to tripinnate fronds, often of thin texture, and they are especially shade-tolerant
Find Out More About Cragend
Cragend Farm has a interesting and diverse history, from technical innovations to historic buildings. Tied in closely to the neighbouring Cragside Estate home of Victorian inventor and industrialist Lord Armstrong.